We will display 40 experience courses. Click on the course name to display the course contents.

  Pink color means full.
  Yellow-green indicates a course with accommodation.


You can find out what kind of course you have. Please enter the course conditions and click the "Search" button.

• Each search condition is partial matching (fuzzy search).

• If you specify multiple conditions , then the "AND search" is performed. (ie. Condition 1 and Condition 2 and ..)

• If the number of experienced facilities and accommodation facilities  increase due to accommodation etc., then three facilities{Facility 1, Facility 2, Facility 3} will be displayed.

For the menu details of each course, please click "menu detail" of the search result.


Search Entries
















start_day_time course_name capacity link facility1 facility2 facility3 seat status adult fee child fee infant fee meeting place course_no menu_no
10/8/18, 1:30 PM Harvesting and processing Japanese old blueberry 1'st [1830801] 8

menu detail

SATO Natsuhaze Farm Hotel Tangram SATO Natsuhaze Farm sold out
18,000Yen 14,000Yen 5,000Yen SATO Natsuhaze Farm 1830801 308



menu_no menu_name
101 snow playing (KAMAKURA and SnowFieldWalking)
306 Harvesting blueberries and making jams
307 Harvesting rhubarb and making jam
308 Harvesting and processing of Japanese old blueberry
メニュー番号 メニュー名
101 雪体験(かまくら、雪原散歩)
102 田植え
103 稲刈り
104 木材の有効利用
105 野尻湖カヌー体験
106 野尻湖ワカサギ釣り
107 トレッキング・山登り
108 アドベンチャー体験
109 スノーハイキング
201 ナウマンゾウに会う
202 一茶の生家と句碑を巡る
203 俳句創作
204 信州鎌の鍛冶場見学と小刀作り
205 わら細工
206 竹細工
207 草木染め
208 手織り体験
209 レザークラフト
301 野菜・山菜の収穫と蕎麦打ち体験
302 おやき作り
303 笹の箕寿司作り
304 山菜採り
305 とうもろこしの収穫と加工
306 ブルーベリー収穫とジャム作り体験
307 ルバーブの収穫とジャム作り体験
308 ナツハゼ(ぶんぶく)の実の収穫と加工
309 新鮮トマトの収穫と加工
310 麹作りと味噌作り
311 酒蔵探訪と試飲
312 酵素ドリンク作り
313 自然農法体験
314 赤房スグリの収穫と加工
315 エッセンシャルオイル作り
316 きのこ狩りハイキング
317 ぼたごしょうの収穫と佃煮加工体験
318 こしょう漬けとそば打ち体験
319 野沢菜の収穫と野沢菜漬け
320 凍りそば作り
321 ふきのとうの採取とふき味噌作り
401 信濃町を愉しむ欲張りツアー
402 虹鱒・イワナの命を頂くプログラム
404 鮭の遡上体験といくら採取
facil_type_code facil_type
11 tourist hotel
12 hotel
13 lodge
14 pension
15 guest house
16 rental vacation cottage
17 history and culture facilities
18 shrines and temples
19 educational facilities
20 sightseeing spot
21 forest and highlands
22 restaurant shop
23 processing shop
24 sport facilities
25 public facilities
26 industrial facilities and workplace
27 company and corporation
28 local facilities
29 farm and farmers' market
30 traditional Japanese old house
31 private house
32 association